Does the A2 mode reduce battery life?

Dear Boox team,

I recently started using the A2 mode of my Boox Note and I really like it. Makes the experience much more fluid - great feature! However, I had the impression that it generally consumes more battery.

Could you please confirm this? Is there a difference in battery usage to be expected in using the A2 mode?



You may have noticed that A2 is implemented with dithering. The specific algorithm used is Floyd-Steinberg. F-S Dithering has a “very random” placement of black and white points. Especially, it is very poor in dynamic contexts: two similar frames may have comparatively little pixels in common. In other words, between a rendering and its immediate successor many pixels with change colour, without any even indirect stateful effect; an animation will look like a swarming mass, or “snow effect”, or static noise, of rapidly changing dots.
Now, EPD screens consume power when dots change (black, white)…

Onyx is requested to also implement dithering algorithms of stateful effect - dot-wise conservative -, and to provide an option to switch between them (no dithering | Floyd-Steinberg | some dynamically conservative algorithm).
(Also, incidentally, I proposed the option to enable F-S dithering on Greyscale Update mode, which is almost required for viewing images. With the ability to turn it off, of course.)