Mac doesn't recognize boox

(very happy)Newbie here.
I want to transfer books from my mac to my boox but my computer doesn’t seem to recognize the device.
I can transfer file using bluetooth, but still would like to be able to do it using the USB wire.
any clues?
Many thanks


I had the same problem with my BOOX Nova+.

What helped was turning on USB debugging. You find it by going to SettingsApplicationUSB debugging and turning it on.

I don’t know why this helped, and a device should work for file transfer out of the box, I think, but this made it possible. (BOOXs are nice devices, but with some bugs, it seems :smirk:.)

I think I had to reboot the PC (disconnect first!) after changing the settings, and then file transfer worked.

Try this, I hope it works.


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MacOS does not support MTP, so no Android smartphone will be detected by the Finder. You need an app, that supports MTP. Another alternative to the outdated Android FileTransfer ist this open source solution:

Many thanks to you both!

Cool link I will remember it, thank you.