Neoreader image downsampling

I’m reading mostly scanned PDFs, so the content is 100% images, and since I bought the Note+ I’m a bit disappointed with the sharpness of the pictures especially, since they look sharper on my phone or computer.
Probably I wouldn’t mind as much for actual pictures, but this is scan of text mostly, so sharpness is critical…

For testing I tried to open a picture of a scan on the Note+ with Neoreader, and then the same picture, pre-scaled smaller in photoshop, to match the exact resolution the screen (1872 x 1404), and the pre-scaled image looked better.
It’s not day and night, but for text especially the sharpness increase slightly, so it’s easier to read.

So I think is there anything you can do to improve image scaling or downsampling method, when loading PDF with pictures on the Neoreader?
Or do I have to process all my book to rescale all pages to native resolution?