Turn on WiFi automatically?

The Max 3 does not automatically connect to WiFi when off for more than 1 day. However there is a menu item “Turn on Wi-Fi automatically” which does not seem to do anything.

The odd thing about this menu entry is that it only shows up when I’m not near any known WiFi networks.

See Pictures below.

Two questions

  • What does “Turn on Wi-Fi automatically” do?
  • How do I get to this menu option when I’m near a know WiFi

Hello Rick, we have not found the settings as illustrated like your screenshot. Could you kindly update the latest firmware via Settings/ Firmware update first? Many thanks in advance.

@claire why do I need to update to the latest firmware? The firmware changelog does not show any WiFi fixes. I’m curious to find out what does the “Turn on Wi-Fi automatically” does.

To replicate this do the following

  • Have the tablet “Forget” all WiFi networks
  • Reboot
  • Turn on the tablet and go to settings
  • Go to the WiFi settings and turn on WiFi
  • The additional options should be visible.

I have the same problem. WiFi does not turn on automatically after the max 3 had off.