USB Debugging Mode

When I enable USB debugging mode and attach my Note to my computer, I get a message that the installation of the driver was unsuccessful.

Then, when I go into my device manager to have a look at the problem, I see a message that there is no ADB Interface driver for the device.

It’s strange because my original Max works fine in debugging mode.

Could you please direct me to where I might be able to download and install the necessary driver for the Note onto my Windows 7 computer?


Hi, would you pls try to restart your computer, and then connect your Note to the computer through USB cable again?

I have done that, and my Note is seen by the computer and I can transfer files between the computer and my Note.

However, when my Note is in USB Debugging Mode and when I attempt to use the ADB platform tools on my computer, typing the command adb devices in the command window, the Note does not show up as a listed device.

When I do the exact same thing with my original Max, it does show up as a listed device.

When I go into Device Manager on my computer, the Note is shown under Portable Devices and it has a driver. However, whenever my Note is connected to my computer, I also see an “Unknown Device” pop up under Other Devices. This Unknown Device does not have a driver and Windows doesn’t seem to be able to find a suitable one for it.

I never see an Unknown Device pop up when my original Max is connected to my computer in USB Debugging Mode so I suspect that the NOte must be lacking some driver which allows it to be seen by the ADB platform tools.

Does Boox have any drivers for download? Google Says that I’m supposed to contact the manufacturer. Mine is Max 3 but I’m hoping they all use the same driver.