Enable Shop (JDRead)

I enjoy my NovaPro since 1month already and just did the firmware update 2.2.1. I wanted to see what the “old time” is and read the early adapters comments before to do so.

There is one last irreversible action for which I may not find any discussion: ‘SHOP’. Before the update, there was a reference to JDRead App, but not anymore.

SHOP have to be enabled first from Settings_Application. It is then said that 《it could be stopped but not uninstalled》. Nothing say what it is and I have nowhere seen someone talking about Enable Shop App.

Is it a Chinese reader store? Onyx app store? Or else…

Sorry for the late reply here. It is a Chinese reader store. You could kindly change the system language to Chinese, if you would like to use the JD Read or enable it.