Reference manager app?

Many people who invest in this expensive machine are academic professionals who read hundreds if not thousands of pdf files. It would be great if a reference manager such as Zotero or Endnote can be incorporated into the system so that the pdf files can be managed.
In the meantime, I wonder what others are using to manage their pdf files?

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Indeed, bought this service for this purpose. To be honest the boox is useless for me, because of the bug mentioned before that no external app is able to open pdf’s in neo reader. For instance mendeley: it has all the pdf’s included, opening it will give a blank page for ever. Or BrowZine, for which the same applies.
The library of the device itself won’t suffice either (not being able to create sub folders) and unfortunately Endnote doesn’t have an Android app
Please fix handling of pdfs from external sources ASAP!

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