Here is how to fix Youtube, Slack, VLC and more on 2.2.2 (Note 1 and Note 2 etc)

My favorite apps were working fine on 2.1.2 but many issues came with 2.2.2 :frowning: I spent a fair bit amount of time fixing those issues, so here are all my fixes in case it helps anyone else:

First general tip: disable “whiten background” in the app optimization settings (navigation ball > settings) this fixes various issues.

Second general tip, for Note 1 only: add a “full screen” button to your navigation ball, and use it to make the taskbar appear again when it becomes unvisible for some apps.

Those two tips are enough to fix Youtube and VLC but not Slack.

Slack specific fixes: disable “embolden font” and decrease DPI to 290 or so. Slack becomes great again!

Some tips came from those older threads: